
in Birsfelden / Switzerland
27.11.2016 - 15.01.2017 00:00
Club Univers

Curated by Chus Martinez with the assistance of Eveline Wüthrich.

Part I: Even in your dreams, you can’t tickle yourself.

You can’t even tickle yourself in your dreams. One cannot tickle oneself, we need the others. The whole cognitive mechanism of trickling is based on the fact that others exist and only others can surprise us with their hands. The phenomena is so fascinating to neuroscience that a researcher, Jennifer Windt at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz in Germany wanted to explore if, when not completely aware of ourselves, like in dreams, we could tickle ourselves. Therefore, she recently performed a dream experiment that sounds like it came straight out of the movie “Inception”. She recruited a team of expert lucid dreamers – people who know they are dreaming, and can control the actions of their dreams – to try it out, but they couldn’t.

“Club Univers” is an exhibition with Bachelor students of the Art Institute FHNW Academy of Art and Design, Basel, that will be accompanied by a publication: “Club Universe”, Volume 1, Sternberg Press.

Katharina Kemmerling, Gregory Stäuble, Linda Wunderlin, Dario Zeo, Sebastien Rück, Davide Wouda, Iris Brodbeck, Manuela Cossalter, Laura Mietrup, Aline Stalder, Chris Handberg, Cyril Hübscher, Njomza Sadikaj, Simone Steinegger, Aysa Stettler, Nadine Cueni, Markus Aebersold, Anna Diehl, Ambra Viviani, Manuel Koechli and Angèle Siegenthaler

Gallery hours by appointment only, please call +41 79 372 81 75


Hauptstrasse 12
4127 Birsfelden


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