in Zürich / Switzerland
“Lavish Horn” brings together three female artists who reflect on the topic of the continuous circle of life and death, the present, and the past. Lisa Biedlingmaier, Clare Goodwin, and Una Szeemann explore the feelings and sensations that bygone days may generate, and investigate our approach regarding matters of life, death, and the subconscious.
Each of the three artists explores these themes, and the many associations accompanying them, in their own way. By plunging into the essence of the three accomplished artists’ positions, the viewer can grasp the unifying components the individual works bring to the surface.
This exhibition marks the last one at our Pop-up site @ Weststrasse.
Öffnungszeiten Do/Fr 13.30 – 18 Uhr, Sa 12.30 – 17 Uhr, und nach Verabredung
Ausstellungsdauer 05.06. – 28.06.2022
Ruettimann Contemporary
Weststrasse 145
8003 Zürich