
in Zürich / Switzerland
29.07.2021 - 21.08.2021 00:00
Minya - TIMEscape

Unter dem Titel “TIMEscape” zeigt die Jedlitschka Gallery gross- und kleinformatige Gemälde “Malerei auf Plexiglas” der Künstlerin Minya Mikic.

Während der ersten Ausstellungswoche entsteht in der Galerie ein spannender Zersetzungsprozesses. Himbeeren lassen auf einer Plexiglasoberfläche ein Kunstwerk entstehen! Diese Performance wurde zum ersten Mal im MACRO – Museum of Contemporary Art in Rom durchgeführt.

“TIMEscape” ist ein visuelles Tagebuch, dass diesen historischen Moment widerspiegelt und wichtige aktuelle Ereignisse in Politik, Kultur, Sport, Umwelt oder Religion festhält.

Minya ist eine in Zürich lebende Künstlerin und Kulturbotschafterin von Novi Sad, Kulturhauptstadt Europas 2021.

Die Künstlerin ist der Überzeugung, dass ein Künstler immer aufmerksam sein und die umgebende Realität beobachten sollte, alles, was in unserer Gesellschaft geschieht, von Kultur über Wissenschaft bis hin zur Politik. Ein umfassenderes Verständnis und eine umfassendere Erfahrung erhöhen und verbessern den Inhalt der Kunst und all dies kann gesehen werden, in einem Gemälde.

Ich reise häufig und stelle regelmäßig in New York und verschiedenen Städten auf der ganzen Welt aus, um meine persönlichen Erfahrungen und Eindrücke zu kombinieren. In meiner Kunst wende ich eine persönliche Technik an, die im Laufe der Jahre entwickelt wurde, indem ich reine Pigmente, Silberblätter und Acrylpaste mische und sie auf einer glatten Plexiglasoberfläche verteile. (Minya)

“It is my conviction that an artist should always be attentive and observe surrounding reality, everything that happens in our society, from culture to science and politics… a fuller understanding and experience increases and improves the content of art, and all of this may be seen in a painting.

I frequently travel and exhibit regularly in New York and various cities around the world combining my personal experience and impressions.

In my art I apply a personal technique developed over the years, mixing pure pigments, silver leaves and acrylic paste spreading them on a sleek Plexiglas surface.

By using this technique I have created several projects, expressing my ideas and my artistic research – from the abstract art, through stylized and representational art to portraits. A number of these works were exhibited in museums, galleries and institutions in Rome and New York.

Eight painting from my series “GAPscape” are today part of the collection of Italian National Bank, permanently exhibited at its headquarters at Palazzo Koch in Via Nazionale in Rome.

In the artistic project “GAPscape State of Art Italia” I worked on the eternal and always current idea “genius loci” – to put in direct relation the prominent figures of the society with their respective favourite cities. The story of Italy presented through 40 portraits of its most representative individuals painted on Plexiglas: from Andrea Bocelli, Ennio Morricone to Umberto Eco, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Ferruccio Ferragamo and many others. All of them were personally involved in the realization of this project, posing for the portrait and releasing a statement dedicated exclusively to this project.

In the catalogue printed for the exhibition in New York and in Roman Museum “Palazzo delle Esposizioni”, the idea was explained by curator Achille Bonito Oliva, former director of Venice Biennale.

Another artistic research is project “GAPscapeTIME” exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome – MACRO. Idea represented the concept of TIME passing and the fragility of our environment. Artwork was painted by using “raspberries” and “TIME” as raw material. It was created through the process of the degradation of living matter, coinciding in real time life and art. The dramatic process of decomposing of fresh raspberries has released its traces, colouring the surface below, resulting at the end in a permanent piece of art painted on canvas.

The project presented by Jedlitschka Gallery “TIMEscape” is a socio-political, cultural and anthropological study, developed over the period of more than 14 years. This artistic project is a visual diary that reflects this historical moment capturing key current events in politics, culture, sport, environment and religion. In a multitude of daily information, the artist’s choice of event is like a spotlight that focuses on one”.

Minya is a Zurich-based artist and cultural ambassador of Novi Sad, European Capital of Culture 2021.

Öffnungszeiten Di-Fr 11 – 18 Uhr, Sa 11 – 14 Uhr


Jedlitschka Gallery
Seefeldstrasse 52
8008 Zürich


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